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Rent Policies

Here are the current rent policies. We will update these policies from time to time so check back often!
5 articles

New Tenant Late Rent Payment Policy

NEW TENANT LATE RENT PAYMENT POLICY Our new tenant late rent payment policy is zero tolerance during the first 30 days. If after the new tenant commencement process which includes no credit check, no deposit and a very reasonable first & last payment to move in as well as 7-10 days of additional time...


Action will be taken if a tenant has habitually paid late at least three times. Habitual late payments can not and will not be allowed. Rents are due on Mondays and there is a zero tolerance policy in place for those who are habitually late. Once we have identified a habitual late payer we will send...

Return Check/NSF Policy

If any of your payments are returned, regardless of your longstanding history with Mimosa, you will be charged a $25 late fee and expected to pay that balance + the fee IMMEDIATELY. Mimosa is charged each time a NSF or Check is returned and we must be reimbursed for that.Unless and until the payment...


GENERAL RENT PAYMENT & LATE FEE POLICY Our general rent payment and late fee policy and rules are as follows: Rent is due on Monday as per THE Agreement. Unless arrangements are made by 12pm Wednesday the $25 late fee will be invoiced. (Subject to grace period, if any). Your late fee should be paid ...

Manner of Payment

MANNER OF PAYMENT - Payments of rent shall be paid by the LESSEE to LESSOR by debit or credit card via Intuit Payment Systems. An additional fee of $10 shall be added to all payments received via PayPal, Zelle or CASH APP. NO other forms of payment are acceptable. NO third party transaction shall be...