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Leasing Procedures and Policies

9 articles

Easy Move-In, Easy Move-Out

Easy Move-InThis policy means that you will be able to secure a suite without having to pay a deposit, submit a credit check, or background check. All you need is to pay your first and last (week) payment, and sign the lease to secure a suite with Mimosa Salon Suites. Easy Move-OutThis policy means ...

Commencement Packet

The commencement packet should come alongside the signing of your lease.This packet will include information regarding your first rent date, lease expiration date, pertinent rent related policies, key replacement policies, acceptable use of SupportBee and expressing issues within your suite, Hair Tr...

First & Last payment

At Mimosa we do not require deposits to secure suites. However, what we do require is that you pay your first and last weeks rent. Another thing that makes Mimosa Salon Suites special. We respect that things happen in life, and we do not ask for much, it's all apart of our Second Chance mindset!This...

New Tenant Access

Management at Mimosa Salon Suites have absolutely no obligation furnish new keys or unlock doors, as you are your own business owner. Once we are asked to unlock doors and furnish keys, we will charge the necessary fee to account for the time and energy spent to do so.Landlord shall furnish Tenant w...

Vivint - Eastside

Vivint is our new security entry system installed on the front doors of both of our Conyers buildings. Ways to operate smart lock access control Remote. Lock and unlock the front doors, as well as manage access and create codes, with your smartphone via your smart lock’s app. This allows for complete ...

How To Properly Use Vivint - Eastside

Vivint | Entering and ExitingHow To Properly Enter Using VivintEntering your building has been made easier, safer, and quicker with Vivint. There are two methods in which you may enter, via the: Vivint Mobile App Or the physical Keypad using your PIN Both methods will quickly grant you access to the...

Brivo - Stonecrest

Brivo is our new security entry system installed on the front doors at Mimosa Stonecrest! Ways to operate smart lock access control Remote. Lock and unlock the front doors, as well as manage access and create codes, with your smartphone via your smart lock’s app. This allows for complete remote access...

Deposit (To hold a suite)

At Mimosa Salon Suites, we take great pride in being able to offer those who aren't extremely financially stable, or who may not have the best credit, a space in which they can grow and expand their business without all of the headache. Long story short, we do not require those seeking a suite to pa...

Trap Cleaning

Hair Trap Cleaning and Fees DRAIN AND TRAP CLEANING. By signing your lease and the accompanying commencement packet, you have agreed and acknowledged that the cleaning and general upkeep of the hair trap within the suite is the sole responsibility of yourself. Furthermore, you have been informed and ...