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Maintenance Policies

Here are the current maintenance policies. We will update these policies from time to time so check back often!
9 articles

How to Handle Broken Equipment

Equipment malfunctions are covered under the 24-hour Maintenance Policy. These issues can usually be taken care of immediately, but may require the full 24 hours to remedy. In some cases new equipment may need to be ordered, and will require some time for ordering and delivery.The Equipment policy a...

How to handle a leaking sink and clean traps

Plumbing issues are also covered under the maintenance policy. These issues can usually be taken care of immediately, but may require the 24 hours to remedy. A leaking shampoo bowl can not only stop you from working, but it also has the potential to be really expensive. And we're not just talking ab...

What To Do When Having Electrical Issues

Electrical issues are also covered under the 24-hour Maintenance Policy. These issues can usually be taken care of immediately, but may require the full 24 hours to remedy. When a piece of equipment or light fixture suddenly goes dead, it is very likely that a circuit breaker has tripped and interru...

Requesting A New Door Pass (Stonecrest and Covington)

Requesting a new pass for your Brivo only happens when you either lose your phone, buy a brand new device, or change emails. This request will be fulfilled usually within minutes.If you have a new email address, please provide new email address with request.Please text SERVICE to 7706920048 Make sur...

What To Do When Experiencing Heating and Air Issues

Heating and Air issues are covered under the 24-hour maintenance policy. These issues can sometimes be taken care of immediately, but may require the up to 72 hours to remedy, please be patient and rest assured the issue is being taken very seriously and handled with care. Please text SERVICE to 77...

Requesting Extra Cleaning

We at Mimosa Salon Suites take great pride in maintaining a clean and safe environment for you and your clients to enter in. Please feel free to use this portal to make any suggestions or point out any areas that may need a little extra cleaning.SIDENOTE: Our facilities manager works extremely hard ...

How to handle a lock or lost key

KEY REPLACEMENT POLICY Management at Mimosa Salon Suites have absolutely no obligation furnish new keys or unlock doors, as you are your own business owner. Once we are asked to unlock doors and furnish keys, we will charge the necessary fee to account for the time and energy spent to do so.Landlord...

Paint Policy

Initial paint and touch-ups will be completed, as a courtesy, and a means to bringing the suite back to a presentable status, at the beginning of your lease. As tenants, you have agreed not to paint in your assigned room. Tenants are highly discouraged to attempt repairs to the wall surface. Touch-U...

TV Mount Policy

Make it easy on yourself!Our facilities manager will take care of mounting your tv. He will include the install and the purchase of the mount, all for $50.00. Procedure: Text SERVICE to (770) 692-0048 expressing a need for the TV mounting service. Please include your Full names, location & suite num...